Friday 1 April 2016

ActiPatch® Back Pain Relief!

Hello friends
I'm back! yes I know it has been a little while since my last blog post and I wanted to get back to blogging sooner but life got in the way unfortunately but things are all good now and I am hoping to be blogging each week from now on.
Grab a cuppa and relax as this is gonna be a long post! 
While I was  absent from blogging I have been having a few health issues and one being my bad back again!
For those  of you who do not know about my back problems I have a bulging disc in the lower back and  Cervical spondylosis, also known as cervical osteoarthritis or neck arthritis
A few weeks ago I was kindly sent some new and exciting pain relief products to try!
I was sent the ActiPatch Back Pain Relief kit along with a couple of trial packs.

What is the ActiPatch I hear you ask? well I have some information for you below along with my review!
ActiPatch® Back Pain Relief
1) How Does ActiPatch® Work? ActiPatch® treats pain and inflammation at the source by using low level and safe electromagnetic pulses to stimulate injured cells to speed recovery. Blood flow in the body is regulated by electrical signals that travel along nerves. The ActiPatch® modifies these nerve signals, providing pain relief by enhancing blood flow which reduces inflammation and restores the injured tissue to a healthy state.

2) ActiPatch® Device Placement
The device module only houses the battery and can be placed in any direction. The therapeutic area is within the loop of the ActiPatch® device. The loop area should be placed directly over the source of the pain.

3) How Long to Use the ActiPatch® Device
Depending on the severity of the injury, patient pain levels can begin to subside after only 2-3 hours of wearing the device and will continue to decrease as long as the device is being used continuously or between 8-24 hours per day. Wear continuously for maximum relief.  From an ActiPatch® consumer survey, participants showed increased pain relief and effectiveness from wearing the device for a longer period of time.
4) What to Expect when Wearing the ActiPatch®
Only better! The device is sensation and odor free and you will not feel the low level energy that is gently pulsed into the cells to restore damaged tissue. ActiPatch® has no ingredients, is non-medicated and can be combined with other medications. The only thing you feel is pain relief!

EFFECTIVE: Clinically proven pain and inflammation relief at the source.
    LONG LASTING: 720 hours of action with On/Off switch.
    SAFE: Safe for diabetics, arthritics, bedridden and the elderly and can be used with any medication.
My Thoughts
For the first 7 days I decided to use the trial device and then move on to the720 hours kit ( one month)
I will start with my level of pain on the first day of trying the device, on a scale of 1 (being mild to 10 being severe agony) I was around 6. moderate lower back pain.
This can vary from day to day week to week depending on my activities and so on.
I removed the device from the pack and placed the loop around the area effected using the plasters( sticky tape) provided in the pack I prefer surgical tape..

A few hours later I noticed my pain was easing quickly and almost as if someone had gave me the best pain killer ever only it wasn't a pill it was a pill-less device drug free aid! 
I could not believe it! the pain was significantly reduced that the normal day to day activities was done without any struggle or pain. I had a lot of muscle spasms in my back that I get when I overwork doing household chores. It relieves my pain and allows me to keep going instead of using a heating pad.
So after the 7 days was up using the trial device I decided to try the 720 hour kit and see just how good this device would work even on my bad days.
I used the reusable back wrap provided in the kit to keep the device in place along with the velcro was very easy to use and comfortable to wear however I sometimes roll on my back of a night and it sometimes presses on the skin and get a little sore but I mainly sleep on my sides so this wasn't an issue for me really. it does help with the pain especially at night and as a result I am sleeping much better.

There is an on and off switch so when you need to shower etc you can easily turn it off and on again. Stays in place and works well under all clothing.
As the days went on I noticed the device was helping a great deal with different levels of pain in fact I noticed no pain at all after just a few hours of wearing the device.
The best thing about this device for me was it kept the pain at bay but when I did turn the device off to see what would happen I  noticed some pain again coming back after a short while so it proves it does really work ease pain when wearing it. By using it every day I was able to reduce the amount of prescription pain medication. 
I also had my Mother try the trial device for her back and neck pain and she gets significant relief and will be purchasing the full kit!
    Relieves pain
    No side effects
    Drug and ingredient-free
    Easy to use.
    Promotes healing
    Relieves symptoms fast
    Safe for diabetics, arthritics, bedridden and the elderly and can be used with any medication.

Can be hard to apply around the back area if you are alone or elderly.
Can be slightly uncomfortable pressing on the skin if you are laying on the device for long periods.

Great for lower back pain, backaches, arthritis, sciatica,
fibromyalgia, strains, sprains and joint soreness and general back pain.

I love the ActiPatch instantaneous effect I can't live without this absolute lifesaver for me and the only thing that relieves the pain when it gets real bad.
 I highly recommend this to one and all!!
More posts coming up shortly!
Have a good day!
*Products was sent to me for consideration for the purpose of this review only. No monetary compensation was received.
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  1. Thank for useful information in a deeper and proper way. i got useful information about back pain after reading. thanks once again...

    Chronic Pain Relief Lake Worth


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