Monday 25 May 2015

My favourite blogs!

Hi friends

I thought I would do a different post today and share the love of some of my favourite blogs!
I would like to acknowledge the influence, inspiration by some of my favourites.and there is also a few Facebook pages,
So pour yourself that cuppa, put your feet up and spend some time reading some of my favourite blogs! 


tanya burr

sparkly sharp and fabulous 

olivia cheryl

its just sofie

There are so many more bloggers and pages that I would love to share with you, so I may make this type of post a regular thing and promote some blogs every month maybe?

I hope you’ll check these out and let me know what you think in the comments 
Please can you also click through and follow their blogs if you don’t already!
I hope you enjoy reading these blogs as much as I do.

What are your favourite blogs?
Bloglovin' / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+


  1. Wow!! Dawn, thank you so very much, I am so happy you put me on your list :)
    You made my day :D

    1. You're welcome hun.I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your fabulous nail art! I'm glad I made your day! Hugs to you too ☺ xx

  2. Tanya Burr and Zoella are my favourite bloggers! I haven't heard of many of the others on this list but I'll be sure to check them out!

    Serena /

    1. Please do I hope you like them ☺ thanks for commenting xx

  3. You're welcome Tracey ☺ xx

  4. Love this idea of sharing the love. Thanks for love :D

    1. I am glad you like this idea Anita you are very welcome :) thanks for commenting xx

  5. Thanks for this post, Im from Argentina, and the bloggers i follow are almost all from my country, this is a good way for me to meet interesting bloggers of another countries, and practice my english ( that´s no good you maybe noticed that XD) XOXO!

    1. Your English is good! ☺ I am so pleased this post helps you follow new blogs,I will certainly do another my favourite blogs and YouTube channels soon!thank you for commenting xx

  6. What a beautiful way to share and spread love. This is a fantastic idea Dawn! Very well done. :-)

    1. I'm really glad I did this post as sharing them will hopefully bring more readers/followers to there blogs/pages as us bloggers work hard on our blog content and deserves the recommendation. I will definitely do another post like this soon!thank you so much for your kind comment ☺ xx

    2. You said it right. Bloggers work really hard and they definitely deserve good readers and followers. I have started following many blogs you listed in this post. :-) thank you for shraing, :-)

  7. Thank you for following some of the blogs ☺ I think this blog post will be a regular thing now on my blog as there are so many great blogs out there that need sharing! So may do it once a month ☺xx

  8. Awww thank you!!!! back at you xx


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them all :) I'll do my best to answer asap
please don't forget to follow me if you haven't already :)
<3 Dawn<3