Sunday 14 June 2015

BornPretty store products review!

Hi friends
I have been suffering with my back again the past few days but thankfully it is easing now and I managed to do a quick blog post review for you.
I was kindly sent some items to review from the Bornpretty store    
I was sent a nailart fountain pen set. a pack of silver and gold nailart rings. and 2 stamping plates.
I am going to be bringing you another review for the nailart fountain pen set as I am currently in the middle of doing some nailart with them!

for now I have done 2 manis with using the rings and the stamping plates!
Items I used for my first mani are...
  • BornPretty stamping plate Qgirl-001.
  • BeautyUK polish in white.
  • Tarastalons indie polish 186 (holo)
  • Barry M paint foil effect.
  • Saffron polish in black.
I used 2 coats of the holo polish on the pointer and ring finger.I used 2 coats of white polish on the thumb and middle finger.on the little finger I used the silver polish.
I then used the black polish and white polish to stamp some images onto the nails and it is done simple :)

Next is another mani and the items I used are listed below.

  • BeautyUK polish in white.
  • 2true pro polish in Jessie.
  • BornPretty plate BP-63.
  • BornPretty gold and silver nailart rings.
I started with 2 coats of white polish on the thumb and ring finger.then 2 coats of red on the pointer finger and black polish on the middle and little finger.
I then used the white and black to stamp images onto the nails.
The pointer finger I used clear polish to stick the rings on with and it is done.

you can check out BornPretty store click HERE. for more nailart items and lots more..

My giveaway is still running if you want to enter click HERE.
More posts coming up soon!
thanks for stopping by.
*Product was sent to me for consideration for the purpose of this review only. No monetary compensation was received.
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  1. I am happy that you are feeling better :)
    Great review and awesome nail art Dawn :)

  2. nice stuff from BPS as always, and nice pictures

  3. Great nail art! I have the fountain pens too and I really liked to work with them!

    1. I have been practicing getting the hang of using the pen,do you find it easy to use? Thanks hun for your comment ☺


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<3 Dawn<3