Monday 8 June 2015

The Sisterhood of the World // Blogger’s Award

Hey friends
I was nominated by Shona of Shona Harding to do the Sisterhood of the World award her blog is lovely so definitely check it out if you haven’t already! thanks for nominating me Shona!.

The Rules:
1 | Answer the ten questions you have been sent, thanking the blogger who nominated you.
2 | Come up with ten questions of your own.
3 | Nominate up to ten bloggers.

Let’s get started!
  1. What is your favourite way to wind down after a hard day? ~ I would say relaxing in front of the tv with my husband or soaking in a nice bubble bath with scented candles lit.
  2.  What is your favourite album/song at the moment? ~ This is a hard question for me as I love listening to all different types of music but I think at the moment it has to be.. See You Again (feat. Charlie Puth) Wiz Khalifa I cried at the new Fast& Furious 7 film when they dedicated this to the late actor Paul Walker he was such a great guy.
  3. Do you think your blog will ever become more than just a hobby? ~ I think I like my blog being just a hobby as for now there is no added pressure if it was more.This way I keep it fun and easy going.
  4. What country would you like to visit? ~ I would have to say a lovely romantic holiday in the Maldives and renew our wedding vows a secluded water villa :)
  5. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? ~ Oh gosh this is a difficult one lol ermmm trying to think of one... I would say going on the iconic Oblivion was the world's first vertical drop rollercoaster. That's a 180 feet drop, straight down! at Alton Towers UK.
  6. Do you think blogging has become too much of a mainstream thing? ~ I think Blogging is only just becoming more popular now mainly because of the likes of the Famous bloggers such as Zoe and tanya burr etc and why not it is a great way for like minded people to connect!
  7. Would you ever try making youtube videos? If you have, what’s it like? ~ I would consider it certainly in the future maybe but for now I am happy to blog and watch my favourite YouTubers!
  8. Who’s your favourite Youtuber and why do you look up to them? I have a few favs whom I look to for inspiration and look up to. but I would say the lovely Stephanie from SMLx0 she is so beautiful and such a lovely fun person I love watching her videos/tutorials she has inspired me with beauty hair fashion love her!
  9. What do your family and friends think about your blog? ~ I think most of them think its great! and I know especially my husband and daughter are both proud of how hard I have worked on my blog and how much I enjoy doing it and thats what matters.
10. Finally, why did you start a blog in the first place? ~ I started blogging because my Daughter Kim encouraged me to start one to share my nail art and beauty hauls and ideas as she has her own beauty blog and it is fantastic! Kim inspires me a lot to keep going :) check her blog HERE.

I nominate:
the birds and butterflies

pams stuff and things

its just sofie

ravishing roses

wendys delights

bite no more

fife fantasi nails

style those nails

olivia cheryl

These are my questions to you:
  1.  Favourite TV programme and why?
  2.  If you had to pick 1 nail varnish to wear for a year what brand and shade would you choose?
  3.   Name 2/3 Favourite online shops? 
  4.  Which is your best post?
  5. Have you ever had any negative comments? If so how do you react?
  6. If you could change just one thing in your life, would you?
  7.  Has anything good ever happened to you because of your blog?
  8. What is one quote or saying that really means something to you?
  9. What was the last thing you ever said that was funny?
  10. What is your number 1 beauty tip?

 Thanks for reading my version of the Sisterhood of the World tag! Don't forget to enter my giveaway Here
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  1. Loved to read your answers. Thanks for nomination. :)

    1. You're welcome Anita thanks for commenting ☺

  2. Thanks Tracey I look forward to it ☺

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! I'll let you know when I've done it! x

    1. I will look forward to it thanks Sofie ☺

  4. What a great tag, loved reading through all the questions!


  5. great answers, thank you for nomination Dawn :)

  6. Thanks for the nomination and I will do that really soon :) xx

    Pams Stuff and Things | Acne Ultra Clear Giveaway

    1. Do let me know when you have done it ☺thanks for commenting ☺


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them all :) I'll do my best to answer asap
please don't forget to follow me if you haven't already :)
<3 Dawn<3

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