Friday 11 October 2013

Moyou Egyptian plate nail art

Hiya Peeps Yay its Friday! Its my Birthday on Monday 14th Oct :)The weekend is almost here :)It's certainly AUTUMN here in the UK... wet, windy and leaves everywhere!!!Autumn winds blowing outside my window Keep warm.
I have been looking after my poor sick daughter who is full of flu bless her.
I am due my Flu jab today "gulp" don't get me wrong I am use to needles and injecting as I am Diabetic type2 on insulin. but the nurse doing the flu jabs isn't very gentle lol.

Anyway as promised here is the Moyou Egyptian plate nail art.
I am still getting use to stamping but I do like just have to get the right angle on the scraper and the right polish to stamp.once you have that sorted you should be fine.

Here is a list of items used for this nail art.from left to right..Gold by Giles glitter in gold.2True glitter sequins in Tyra. BC polish in 24ct gold. 17 last finish polish in copper. 17 last finish polish in night shade.
MUA polish in koala bear. Technic polish in jet black. Technic clear top coat.
MoyouThe Artist Plate Collection 07 with stamp and scraper.

I started with using my False nails(again lol ) as my cuticles are still a mess and I am currently using treatment and trying to strengthen them so they grow better :)but for now its the practice hand and false nails!

I started with the base colours first the BC polish in 24ct gold on the thumbs. then the 17 last finish in copper on the first finger. then the 2True glitter sequins in tyra on middle finger.then MUA koala bear (gray) and then the little finger was Technic in jet black. 

The thumb stamp took a few goes because I couldn't get the right angle I wasn't rolling it across enough silly me lol but I used the 17 last finish polish in night shade to stamp the Egyptian face.

I then used on the first finger the stamp using Technic polish in jet black.for the middle finger I again used the 17 last finish in night shade. 

  On the wedding ring finger I used the MUA in koala bear with the gold by giles in glitter gold.

On the little finger over the jet black I used the stamp with the BC gold polish.and here is the finished look.

I think it looks rather Egyptian :) The plates and tools used to stamp are fantastic! very good quality.I love Moyou London! go check them out here using the link.
They have a new Festive collection coming out which is fabulous for the festive parties!

What do you think of stamping nails? what is your Favourite technique?
More posts coming up! 
If you have any comments or questions comment down below and please dont forget to follow me if you haven't already bye for now :)  
*The plates were sent to me for review


  1. aw this looks fab mum, you have got some talent! I am so proud of you. Keep it up. xx

  2. Aww thanks Kim <3 hugs I really enjoy doing my blog :) I am proud of you Kim very much.I hope you feel better soon xxxx


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<3 Dawn<3