Sunday 13 October 2013

★ Spooktacular Tag ★

 ★ Spooktacular Tag ★
Hello everyone I was tagged by the lovely Kimmy from makeupwithkimmy to do this Halloween spooky fun tag! and here are the questions Kimmy sent me and my answers....

1. Do you still Trick or treat?
Not any more my daughter and nephews and nieces are all teens now.

2. Do you like going to haunted attractions?
I don't particularly like to go unless its a fun event thing to do with the family but it doesn't interest me really.

3. Favourite Halloween treat you look forward to getting?
I do like a bit of Chocolate or jelly babies sweets but being diabetic means no no

4. Favourite Halloween Movie?
I have a few but I would have to say something with Vampires so Val Helsing or Twilight films.

5. Favourite scary movie?
hmm I would have to say Constantine love that film.

6. Favourite costume you wore as a child?
being a ghost with a old white sheet with holes cut out for eyes lol

7. A costume you would like to dress up as if you could go back to your childhood?
I would like to have been a zombie mmm fresh brains...

8. Do you decorate your house for Halloween?
Not any more we never really bothered as we tend to love decorating for Christmas instead

9. Do you have a festive background on your phone or computer?
I have a Christmas scene of a lights and a tree.

10. What is your plans for this Halloween night?
I will more than likely watch tv or film with my family or watch tv while doing some nail art

11. If you have a pet what would you like to dress it up as ( if you don't have a pet you can say your sister or brother)?
Well Bella is a Gray cat and the Mother to Sophie who is black and mostly white with long fluffy fur so I would dress Bella up as a zombie cat and Sophie as a monster

12. What is your least favourite sweets you would never want to receive when you go trick or treating?
I wouldn't like anything sour I hate sour sweets!

13. Favourite Halloween decoration?
I like pumpkins lit up.and skeletons

14. Favourite Halloween song?
I have a few but I do like Disturbia by Rihanna

15. Your favourite Halloween Makeup look? ( insert a picture if you can)

 I copied these 2 pics from the I love Halloween page on facebook

I tag EVERYBODY to do this tag, but I am going to tag some special ladies who I love and read their blogs and would love to see do this tag. I tag...
 Please copy&paste your own answers to these questions and feel free to add some of your own if you like :)
That's all folks hope you liked this Halloween tag feel free to join in.


  1. Hi hun yes sorry answer the same questions or feel free to add your own if you like :) xxx

  2. Thanks for the tag! I'll have these up later today...:)

  3. great post! would you like to follow eachother?

    1. Hi Daniella thanks for commenting,I have followed you back :)xx

  4. Great answers Tracey :) thanks for joining in :) xxx


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them all :) I'll do my best to answer asap
please don't forget to follow me if you haven't already :)
<3 Dawn<3